Why it’s important to stay engaged

Whether you like it or not, politics plays a significant role in everything.

Amelie L. Rousseve
3 min readDec 25, 2020
Photo by Joshua Sukoff on Unsplash

Before I turned 18, I didn’t think too much of politics. I thought it was boring and I couldn’t even understand half of what they were talking about or how it affected me. The 2020 election truly opened my eyes to how my vote truly mattered. In my state of Louisiana, this election was crucial to the future of every woman and little girl. My state voted to ban abortions, which now means that in certain situations there is no legal recourse regarding the termination of pregnancy i.e incest/rape victims. When the results of the election came in and I heard the news, I was disgusted and astonished. I was astonished by how many people could vote to pass this law, but then I began to realize that maybe they did not have a full understanding of this amendment. This single amendment can affect thousands of women in this state for years to come. It became clear to me that there was a long road ahead with tons of work to do.

Elena Poniatowska once said, “I believe that everything is political, and as such it should concern all of us. Authors who claim they don’t deal with politics in their work are being naive, because even that is a political stance.”

Politics plays an important role in everything. For example, what schools are placed in districts or “school zones” for your child to attend school is voted for by local politicians. This year there was a huge influx of first-time voters and young voters coming out to exercise their fundamental right. The conversations about voting have increased like never before. This election cycle democracy prevailed through the most strenuous times in our country. We also witnessed difficulties in the voting process through efforts of voter suppression tactics. In the year 2020, politics has become a major conversation for several to have. We should all keep having those conversations and continue to take action in our communities.

Here are three reasons why you should continue to be engaged:

1. Regularly voting

While voting is a key to making our voices be heard, there is always more than just voting in a presidential election. State and local elections are also important.

2. Critical issues that affect everyday life

Issues such as systemic racism, immigration, and access to healthcare are something that more than half of Americans battle with every day.

3. Become aware

It is necessary to research all candidates to determine if they will represent your best interest. As citizens, we must learn the difference between rhetoric and true policy changes.

Two crucial elections will be soon taking place in our country, the Georgia Senate runoff in 2021 and the midterm elections in 2022. For more information about off-season elections, check the state website. Remember your vote is your civic duty. Continue to stay engaged because the work of democracy is never-ending.



Amelie L. Rousseve

20 year old college student from Louisiana who loves to share her writings with everyone. Instagram: @amrousseve